
How did we do?


The record year 2022 meant over 471 million litres of beverages had been produced. Of this 441 million litres were produced at the production facility in Praha-Kyje and 30 million litres in Teplice nad Metují. Some of the production is exported and some of the beverages sold are imported from other CCHBC countries. We sold a record 480 million litres of beverages in the Czech Republic and Slovakia this year. We sold 21.5 million cups of coffee and 611,000 litres of premium alcoholic beverages.

Cars Cars

As a result we were able to increase the Company’s net profit after tax and interest to CZK 49,967 thous.  The Company’s turnover increased again to CZK 8,773,623 thous., and the total assets of the Company amounted to CZK 6,425,188 thous.  

The positive business results allowed us to pay income tax in the amount of CZK 40,637 thous., on which we paid almost CZK 24 million more than in 2021. The tax allocation in Slovakia of EUR 21,434 is also significantly higher than the EUR 3,242 in 2021. This year the amount was divided equally between the Slovak Red Cross and Smile as a Gift (Úsmev ako dar), non-profit organisations, with which we have long cooperated.

In 2022 we served 41,908 customers, of which 452 were new.

Corporate governance and ownership structure


Coca-Cola HBC Czech Republic and Slovakia is a limited liability company with its registered office in Prague – Českobrodská 1329. In Slovakia it operates through a branch office located at Kalinčiakova 33, Bratislava. The sole Managing Director of the Company is its CEO Dan Timotin, who is also the head of the Slovak branch. Other members of the management acting, for example, in contractual relations act on the basis of a power of attorney. The Company’s top management is represented by an eleven-member team – the so-called Senior Leadership Team (SLT) consisting of the directors of each department. Michal Dyttert was responsible for sustainability within SLT in 2022.



Our Company is a subsidiary of Coca-Cola HBC AG, a joint stock company based in Zug, Switzerland. The shares are traded on the London and Athens stock exchanges. In 2021 the Company paid dividends of EUR 0.78 per share to shareholders. In total the Company has paid out EUR 4.5 billion to shareholders since 2001. The value of share prices in 2022 was noticeably affected by the start of the war in Ukraine. However, the Company’s performance still managed to balance the fluctuations during the year and, from a fall in share value to GBP 14.61/piece, the price rose to GBP 19/piece by the end of the year. The rise in share value then continues in 2023, with the highest traded share price coming within less than a pound of the peak in early 2022.

akcie akcie

Coca-Cola HBC AG’s shares are 21% owned by The Coca-Cola Company, 23% by the founding company Kar-Tess and 56% are freely traded by other retail owners. More information is available in the Investor Centre here.

Company strategy

The Company’s local strategy is based on a framework that guides the entire CCHBC Group towards achieving its vision. The Company’s vision, mission and values can be found on the front page of this report. The strategy was developed by the Company’s management in cooperation with external consultants in order to respond to the current situation on the local market, leveraging the strengths of the international background and portfolio, and targeting the needs of the customer. That’s why the Clientology Institute worked with the Guiding Coalition to communicate management strategy at the level one rung below the Senior Leadership Team. It co-organised a series of day-long meetings for about 80 managers, where the strategy gained concrete implications. The strategy was communicated to the entire staff at the annual conference. The strategy is linked to internal communication throughout the year and is based on the recognition of the best employees.

According to an internal survey, 80% of our employees strongly believe in the Company’s strategic priorities. This is nearly 8% more than in 2021.

Risk management

Also in 2022 we continued to integrate our internal ERS – Enterprise Risk Management system. The system relies on the prompt identification of potential risks that could prevent the Company from achieving its objectives. It not only sees the identified risks as threats, but as opportunities that can result from addressing them in a timely manner. The system is part of our holistic resilience programme and is led at Group level by the Chief Risk Officer, who is in close contact with designated colleagues in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Every month this team in the Czech Republic and Slovakia presents the identified risks to the Senior Leadership Team and enters them into a shared register. The risks are then addressed. They are ranked in the register according to importance and trend. Twice a year the entire resilience team attends a conference where the most important trends and key risks are discussed.

Coca-Cola Team Coca-Cola Team

The ERS is followed by the IMCR – Incident Management and Crisis Resolution programme, which is a set of rules for anticipating, monitoring, communicating and resolving crisis situations affecting our society. Training of IMCR officers and validation of the team’s readiness was also conducted in 2022,

and 2 important risks were also addressed within the IMCR. As a preventive measure regular meetings of the IMCR team were held and databases of potential situations that could result in an IMCR incident were monitored.

From a risk management perspective, we also monitor the impact of environmental and social aspects on our business. Among the most important risks monitored within the framework of the integrated system are: crisis associated with employees and management of the Company, security, availability of inputs for production and logistics, legislative risks and regulations, behaviour of competitors on the market, quality control and others. The most important economic trends that need to be addressed by adjusting the Company-wide strategy are gathered at group level by the Treasury Department.


Innovation and quality

We have already invested over CZK 2.5 billion in our development and innovation between 2017 and 2022. All these innovations are aimed at greater efficiency, competitiveness, environmental friendliness and superior quality of our products. In 2022, among other things, we innovated the refills of carbonated soft drinks into PET bottles in 1.5 l and 2.0 l for EUR 880,000. The modification to enable the use of non-removable caps on PET bottles cost EUR 200,000. For EUR 120,000 we purchased new label applicators for packages and pallets. We invested EUR 340,000 in a new empty glass bottle inspector machine, and EUR 45,000 was spent on a laser PET bottle printer for the production facility in Teplice nad Metují.


Červený kříž Červený kříž

Our broad portfolio has seen a large number of product innovations. In July Coca-Cola HBC became the exclusive distributor of Bacardi-Martini premium alcoholic beverages. Together with the coffee represented in 2022 by the Costa Coffee brand, the Company has expanded its presence in the categories it collectively calls New Business with this partnership. Established brands have not been left behind either by introducing new flavours. Coca-Cola came out with the new Zero Lime flavour. Monster enriched its portfolio of energy drinks with fruit juice with the new Monarch and introduced Monster Nitro – the first energy drink in the country carbonated with nitrous oxide for a smooth and creamy texture. Fanta refreshed our consumers with the new Strawberry and Kiwi flavour, which played an important role in the Halloween campaign. Fanta Shokata started to be offered in a can, Peach Cappy in a glass bottle for the HoReCa segment.

Packaging innovations were primarily aimed at more sustainable solutions, including the introduction of the KeelClip paper can holder, preparation for the introduction of non-removable caps for PET bottles, lighter design of packaging and the transfer of Sprite to a transparent PET bottle. It is the transparent PET bottles that can be recycled to produce slightly cloudy, once again transparent PET bottles. They can also be used in the production of coloured PET bottles. The green PETs will always be green or blue. The blue ones will always remain blue.


The quality of our products is our high priority, regular laboratory control and sensory testing give us the assurance that the final product that reaches the consumer will always be of top quality. Water treatment systems and regular sanitation of production facilities, combined with certification of raw material suppliers, give us the assurance that our beverages will go to market in the highest possible quality. In 2022 we only handled 22 consumer complaints in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Hřensko Hřensko

Calories and product labelling

The category of low-calorie and no-calorie soft drinks played a significant role in our business trading. In the carbonated soft drinks segment, low-calorie variants such as Coca-Cola Zero accounted for 22.5% of beverage volume sold, up one percentage point from 2021. Zero were almost all the newcomers in this category in 2022.

In the Czech Republic the average calorie per 100 ml of carbonated soft drinks fell year-on-year from 31.63 kcal / 100 ml to 31.14 kcal / 100 ml. In Slovakia, it was a decrease from 33.7 kcal / 100 ml to 33.09 kcal / 100 ml.


Natura - kojenecká Natura - kojenecká


Our products are not only carefully labelled according to legislation, but also through Evolved Nutrition Labelling in Czech nutritional traffic lights. We have been using them on our products since 2018 and are still one of the few exceptions on the Czech and Slovak markets. Our consumers know precisely, easily and without long research which product to choose and include in their diet based on its composition.

In Slovakia and the Czech Republic we are part of the Drink Wisely forum and actively communicate recommended alcohol consumption behaviour and groups for whom drinking is not appropriate.

We behave ethically

The Company’s Code of Conduct is available to all employees on the Company’s intranet and in printed form at selected locations. It can be viewed here. All new recruits are trained in the policy on their first day of work and training is regularly refreshed. An additional internal communication campaign is dedicated to ethics twice a year, each time with a different, currently resonating theme.

Terka Koubova

100% of employees in the high-risk zone are trained annually in anti-corruption principles. Each training is based on current legislation and we always add specific current cases from real life. We list the fines imposed and the implications for our business. As a result, participants praise the training every year.

Tereza Koubová Legal Counsel and Trainer

Employees can report violations of the Code of Conduct using the online form, the Legal Department or HR Department. In addition there is an anonymous Speak-up! help line for them. There were 4 incidents reported on this line in 2022. All of them were investigated in detail, but none was found to have violated the Code.

In 2022 there was 1 lawsuit in Slovakia and 1 in the Czech Republic involving our Company. Both of these disputes remained unresolved at the end of the year.

Personal data is maintained in our Company in accordance with the GDPR and we have a standard operating procedure in place in the event of a data breach. Information on the handling of employees’ personal data is available to our people on our intranet. There were no data protection incidents in 2022. Compliance with GDPR principles is the subject of regularly updated training.

We act responsibly towards children

Vánoční trhy Vánoční trhy

We are committed to responsible marketing through our membership of the UNESDA European Beverage Association and adhere to the following voluntary commitments: we do not market to children under the age of 13; we avoid direct advertising to children to persuade parents to buy our products. Furthermore, we do not offer sweetened lemonades, iced teas or energy drinks in primary and secondary schools. Our coolers in schools do not carry any beverage promotions, their stickers are neutral and only encourage drinking.

Our suppliers

In 2022 we used 792 Czech, 171 Slovak and 200 foreign suppliers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This represents a share of 83% local and 17% foreign suppliers. Supplier selection is also strongly influenced by their sustainability certification, as described in the environmental section of this report.

Coca-Cola Coca-Cola

An important group are the suppliers of our ingredients such as CO2 and Ni food gasses, sweeteners such as sugar, dextrose and glucose-fructose syrup (HFCS). All ingredient suppliers are subject to approval by The Coca-Cola Company for the specific manufacturing facility and product. The product must meet the technical specification according to KORE, the quality requirements of The Coca-Cola Company and receive an LoA – Letter of Authorisation. Ingredient suppliers must have FSSC 22000, ISO 14001, GMP certification.

The purchase of packaging material is managed in accordance with the Purchasing Policy issued by the Purchasing Department at Group level. Packaging is divided into primary and secondary. Again, primary packaging suppliers must meet KORE requirements, have authorisation from The Coca-Cola Company and LoA including FSSC 22000, GMP and ISO 14001. Suppliers are selected on the basis of tenders, which are carried out every 3 years. They are regularly assessed. The selection criteria are quality, price, delivery conditions and sustainability.

Communication with stakeholders

Prešov Prešov


Our network of sales representatives is in daily contact with our customers to discuss how our cooperation can be developed and grown together. In 2022 we surveyed our customers for the first time about their willingness to recommend our Company. The result of the survey is the so-called Net Promoter Score (NPS), which ranges from -100 to 100%. In our first evaluation of 1,065 customers, we came in at the positive end of the scale at 26%. The most frequent complaints were about the unavailability of products and their pricing. The stability of the Company as a partner and the quality of the products were positively evaluated. The quality of our customer service centre is measured by the so-called Service Level, which shows what percentage of calls we are able to answer within 20 seconds. The service level for 2022 was at an excellent 84.6%. The internal indicator DIFOTAI, which shows the % of correctly composed, correctly timed, correctly imported and correctly invoiced deliveries, stood at 92.96% in 2022. We operated with 99.54% accuracy in meeting production plans and 68.4% accuracy in sales forecasts.


Communication with employees takes place through a mix of internal communication tools, including e-mail, internal TV, intranet, Facebook group, bulletin boards, micro and Company-wide events or personal meetings. The Company-wide VOX meeting, where management presents Company news, strategies, plans and priorities in hybrid online/offline mode to all employees, was held 7 times in 2022. At this meeting the management also regularly answered questions collected in advance and live, which can also be sent anonymously. Town halls of the top management with employees in production were held three times and our management went to business teams across the Czech Republic and Slovakia for the so-called Roadshow, comprising local team workshops and networking, nine times in total. Management additionally meets regularly with representatives of the aforementioned Employee Council. We also held an annual conference for all employees in 2022 to celebrate our achievements and as a communication channel for future plans.

stopzewling stopzewling

stopzewling stopzewling


Natura celebrates 30 years of production in 2022. The celebration associated with the anniversary of the town of Teplice nad Metují was attended by the town mayor, families of our employees, the current and former long-time director of the production facility and representatives of partner non-profit organisations. The event was attended by more than 600 visitors, who were able to take a look into the production or enjoy the accompanying programme with the projection of period photographs and attractions for children.

In the local communities around our manufacturing facilities we are in regular contact with associations and non-profit organisations, as well as with local government leaders. We get direct feedback on activities that directly affect our neighbours and can help them in their efforts to build sustainable communities. In our communication with the Prague 14 municipality, we mainly use the Council for Public Involvement, where we are represented, and in Teplice nad Metují we communicate directly with town management.

The public can contact our Company via e-mail for the Czech Republic and for Slovakia or via telephone on +420 283 015 801 for the Czech Republic and +421 249 494 944 for Slovakia. Investors and potential investors can contact us via our e-mail address:

Audits and reporting

In terms of financial audits, in 2022 we underwent a comprehensive external audit by PWC, an internal audit by COBC – compliance and anti-corruption, a comprehensive internal group process audit and a series of quarterly internal reviews. We successfully completed all of these audits with no findings of violations of the monitored rules. Risks identified during audits are continuously addressed by authorised employees so that they do not develop into problems in the following periods.

For non-financial reporting, in addition to audits to ISO standards and other external quality and sustainability standards mentioned in the social and environmental pillar sections above , we conduct a number of internal quality audits of the Coca-Cola system. Among the most extensive audits is the so-called GAO audit. Our inputs to the group Integrated Annual Report are also audited on a regular basis. This summarises ESG issues at group level and for 2022 can be viewed here.

For internal reporting we use the integrated Power BI system, which provides up-to-date dashboards with the results of both financial and non-financial indicators. In this way the current results can be evaluated regularly and clearly. For example, the Company’s community activities are also reported on a monthly basis.

ISO and other norms connected to this area:

  • ISO 9001 – Quality management system
  • ISO 22000 – Food safety management
  • FSSC – Food quality certification