Prague-Kyje Bottling Plant

This bottling plant in Prague has been in operation since 1993, producing supplies for markets in the Czech and Slovak Republics as well as other European countries. For most of the year, the plant’s production reaches more than 10 different countries.

~ 160

people currently work in our bottling operation


In 2016, the plant produced 317 million litres of our beverages. The plant operates four bottling lines of which one fills glass bottles, another produces beverages in cans, the third line is dedicated to special plant based products AdeZ and Cappy in PET bottles, other fills beverage sirup in so called bag-in-boxes and the last fills PET bottles with other non-alcoholic beverages in our portfolio.

The plant also produces two sizes of beverage premixes for fast food restaurants and cinemas and the facility also makes its own preforms that are subsequently used to make actual PET bottles.