Discover the history of Coca‑Cola Hellenic in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Brand Coca‑Cola is first introduced in the Czech territory at the end of World War II. American troops enjoyed the iconic soft drink as they relax. Some, in West Bohemia, even share the refreshment by exchanging bottles of Coke for the locally produced Pilsner beer.
1971 Production of Coca‑Cola begins in the then Czechoslovakia under a licence agreement with Fruta Brno, a national enterprise. The company is already the producer of top-selling vegetable and fruit-based drinks.
1971 - 1989
A number of The Coca‑Cola Company products are made available from various manufacturers operating in Carlsbad (Cherry Coke, Caffeine-free Coca‑Cola); Chrást, near Chrudim (Cappy juices); and České Budĕjovice (Budweis, Lift).
The Coca‑Cola Company introduces its own bottling operations in Czechoslovakia. The Coca‑Cola Company begins negotiations with Pražské Sodovkárny and the Municipality of Prague for the production of soft drinks. A working group from the Central European subsidiary of Coca‑Cola Amatil Limited establishes an office in Vienna to assess investment opportunities in Czechoslovakia. The Coca‑Cola Company authorises Coca‑Cola Amatil Limited to begin negotiations with local bottling plants in a move to transform and consolidate the Coca‑Cola System in Czechoslovakia.
The first general manager for Coca‑Cola Amatil Czechoslovakia, Mr Geoff Mensforth, is appointed. Coca‑Cola Amatil Czechoslovakia submits a proposal to purchase 100% of the Pražské Sodovkárny soft drink production plant in Prague-Kyje. Following bottling agreements with national enterprises in Brno, Carlsbad and Chrást, Coca‑Cola Amatil Limited acquires the licence to produce beverages of The Coca‑Cola Company across the entire territory of Czechoslovakia and establishes a sales and distribution subsidiary called CCA Praha. CCA Praha purchases the soda water plant in Prague-Kyje and begins technological reconstruction.
Coca‑Cola Hellenic acquires Coca‑Cola Amatil and and incorporates operations in Czechoslovakia into the Coca‑Cola Hellenic Group.
The trading name of the company is changed to Coca‑Cola HBC Czech and Slovak Republics.
Coca‑Cola HBC Czech and Slovak Republics are merged under Coca‑Cola HBC Česko a Slovensko.