Health & Wellness


Our products can be part of an active, healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

The category of low-calorie and no-calorie soft drinks played a significant role in our business trading. In the carbonated soft drinks segment, low-calorie variants such as Coca-Cola Zero represent about one fifth of the volume of beverages sold. Zero is always a significant part of the product news.

Our products are not only carefully labelled as per the applicable legal requirements, but also through Evolved Nutrition Labelling. We have been using them on our products since 2018 and are still one of the few exceptions on the Czech and Slovak markets. Our consumers know precisely, easily and without long research which product to choose and include in their diet based on its composition. In 2023, among other things, we supported the Stop Obesity educational event by drinking.

In Slovakia and the Czech Republic, we are part of the Drink Wisely forum and actively communicate recommended alcohol consumption behaviour and groups for whom drinking is not appropriate.

We address responsible marketing within the framework of our membership of the European Beverage Association UNESDA, adhering to the following voluntary commitments: we do not market to children under the age of 13 and avoid direct advertising to children to persuade parents to buy our products. Furthermore, we do not offer sweetened lemonades, iced teas or energy drinks at primary and secondary schools. Our coolers in schools do not carry any beverage promotions, their labels are neutral and only encourage drinking. We strictly adhere to the rules of responsible marketing when promoting our premium alcoholic beverages.