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Current Site: Czech Republic and Slovakia
Despite record production and sales volumes, we managed to reduce our overall carbon footprint by 2,293 tonnes of CO2.
We measure and regularly report our carbon footprint according to GHG reporting standards, which further classify it into groups according to the origin of emissions – the so-called scopes. Our local carbon footprint reduction plan is part of a complex mosaic of projects that will lead to carbon neutrality for the entire Coca-Cola HBC Group by 2040 at the latest.
In Scope 1, primarily through the renewal of our own fleet. We have followed up on the earlier replacement of cars and vans with alternative fuel vehicles. In 2022 conventional diesel cars were further replaced, with the aim of achieving a zero share of passenger cars by the end of 2023. Diesel cars, specifically the Škoda Karoq, Octavia and Superb, were replaced by the CNG hybrid Škoda Octavia TGI and the Škoda Enyaq fully electric cars.
People often claim that the plug-in hybrid only has a low consumption on paper, so I tried it in 2022 and on my commutes to work I have a resulting long-term consumption of 0.27 l / 100 km. It took some work and self-control, but it can be done! With the possibility of charging on the premises of our production facilities, I also save money on fuel. For a motorsport fan like me, it was an interesting experiment.
Petr Vejdělek Category Profitability Finance Manager
Thanks to a very successful year commercially, we have been driving more year-on-year despite an efficient journey planning system. In total our fleet of 456 vehicles covered 13,330,608 km, which is 12,7 % more than in 2021. Therefore, we ended up consuming 655,065 litres (or kg for CNG) of fuel. This is 58,692 litres (or kg for CNG) more than in 2021.
Despite this increase in our vehicle mileage, we have managed to save 76 tonnes of CO2 in Scope 1 year-on-year, mainly thanks to the project to eliminate CO2 leaks during beverage filling and to work efficiently with our refrigeration equipment and the remaining diesel units in production.
In Scope 2, 99% of the origin of our emissions is energy from the steam, heat and cooling supplied for production. We supply steam and heat from the nearby waste incinerator in Malešice. Energy recovery is the most appropriate form of waste management after reuse and recycling. Nevertheless, our production here has a carbon footprint that has increased year-on-year due to record production volumes. In Scope 2 we therefore saw an increase of 174 tonnes of CO2 emissions year-on-year in 2022.
However, the ratio of CO2 emissions per litre of beverage produced fell to 15.6 g CO2/l. This is a significant improvement on the 2021 value of 16.34 g CO2/l.
This trend of maintaining a low carbon footprint, even as production volumes grow, is addressed by the internal Energy TOP 20 project, which is a set of measures seeking optimal solutions for energy savings in production.
According to data from Pollutrack operated by DPD, which measures fine dust particles smaller than 2.5 μm (micrometer), the results of the occurrence of these particles measured in the vicinity of our production plant have been below the daily limit of 15 µg/m3 recommended by the World Health Organization. The last monthly measurement in 2022 showed an average value of 13 µg/m3.
We managed to keep the indicator of electricity consumption per litre of beverage produced at 0.38 MJ/l. It has fallen to less than half since 2008. In terms of electricity, we took a total of 105672247 MJ in Praha-Kyje and 4851061 MJ in Teplice nad Metují. All purchased electricity was certified as being from renewable sources.
Scope 3 is the most significant source group in our carbon footprint by volume. Our refrigerators, which we lend to our customers free of charge, play a role here, and their operation creates a carbon footprint. By the end of 2022 we were able to replace 48.6% of our refrigerators with energy-efficient models. They are smart appliances that work 57% more efficiently than the original fridge. In total, we replaced 5,091 cooling devices in 2022 and invested over EUR 4.5 million in their replacement. Replacing the refrigerators saved 2,210 tonnes of CO2 in the year under review.
The carbon footprint of the ingredients in our products is influenced by both the behaviour of our suppliers and the final mix of the beverages we sell. We are proud that our suppliers are on the path to carbon neutrality with us, and that the resulting mix of products sold in 2022 has resulted in a year-on-year reduction in the carbon footprint of our ingredients of 1,834 tonnes of CO2. Increased sales of water and low-calorie variants of our beverages played a role in shifting this mix. For example, artificial sweeteners have a significantly lower carbon footprint than standard beet sugar or corn syrup.
In 2022, we filmed an educational video with an important Slovak influencer about our path to carbon neutrality.
We are pleased that our carrier suppliers are already adapting their fleets to reduce the carbon footprint of transporting beverages to customers. In addition, in recent years we have moved the central warehouse directly to the production facility in Praha-Kyje and, thanks to the acquisition of the Natura production facility in Teplice nad Metují, we have a source of spring water directly in the Czech Republic. All this reduces the mileage for the development of our drinks. Moving the warehouse helps us save one thousand litres of fuel per year. The water source in the Czech Republic saved 38 thousand litres of fuel per year.
The largest part of the carbon footprint in Scope 3 is our primary and secondary packaging. It has long been one of the most important topics for our stakeholders, and therefore we pay special attention to it.
The infographic above ranks a few selected volumes of packaging used according to the impact of their market placement on the carbon footprint. The ranking is based on an LCA analysis we have developed to optimise the product mix both in terms of impact on the overall carbon footprint and in terms of responding to evolving legislative requirements. The LCA analysis was performed using the IEFU tool.
All of the packaging we launched in 2022 was 100% recyclable by design.
In total we placed 20,960 tonnes of packaging on the market in 2022. Of these 16,603 tonnes are in the Czech Republic and 4,357 tonnes in Slovakia. In the Czech Republic the packaging put on the market is handled by the EKO-KOM system, which collected 85% of plastic in the Czech Republic in 2022 and was able to recycle 46% of plastic – the rest was used for energy. EKO-KOM also collected 63% of the aluminium placed on the Czech market and managed to recycle all of it. Fees for the care of our packaging amounted to CZK 55.7 million in 2022. Glass bottles come straight back to us thanks to the return deposit. If they are too worn we recycle the material again.
In Slovakia we helped to introduce a deposit system for PET packaging and cans. The first year of operation has already shown great results, with 71% of PET and can packaging being recycled. Thanks to the material option we also have the option to buy back the collected material and close the material loop. The record-breaking effectiveness of the first year of the advance payment system in Slovakia has strengthened our efforts to promote this system in the Czech Republic. Here we propose a solution together with the big beverage companies through the Backup Initiative
We constantly bring innovative solutions to the design of our packaging. In 2022, we launched the Keelclip paper can holder, which is made from FSC-certified recycled paper and helps us save 35 tons of plastic per year. As part of ecological design, we continued to lighten our PET packaging for FuzeTea and Adez products. We also worked on lightening the lids and labels.
We use 100% recycled material in selected PET packaging - this applies to our Natura and Römerquelle brand products. On average, we used 6.4% of recycled PET. Our glass suppliers add 40-60% of recycled material to the glass bottles, and our can suppliers use an average of 66% of recycled material.
In 2022 we have succeeded in reusing 100% of the waste generated in Praha-Kyje. Plastic, aluminium and glass went for recycling and hard-to-recycle waste for energy recovery. For the second year in a row, we did not ‘landfill’ in Praha-Kyje. In total we produced 2,405.55 tonnes of waste there in 2022. In Teplice nad Metují we produced 73.9 tonnes of waste and managed to reuse 83.79% of this volume. We generated 85.45 tonnes of hazardous waste in 2022.
In total our production facilities produced only 4.05 grams of waste per litre of beverage produced. That’s nearly 57% more than in 2021.
Once again we became a proud partner of the Let’s Clean Up Czechia event. and in 2022 we organised two volunteer clean-ups in the vicinity of our production facility. We also continued to support the Clean Jizera River clean-up event.
Our Natura spring water comes from the Adršpach-Teplice rocks. It is a low-mineralisation water of infant quality that is suitable for everyday drinking. Thanks to the natural filtration of the water through the sandstone bedrock, we can practically bottle the Natura right from our source, which is about 120 m below the surface. This source is therefore a real treasure for us and we take care to protect the water in the whole Broumov region.
Together with the Broumovska Development Agency, we support the Landscape Adaptation to Climate Change project. By mapping the entire region through comprehensive studies, the project proposes changes to the managed landscape to restore its basic water regime and help its ability to retain water. At the same time, after the implementation of these studies, biodiversity in the region is increasing, temperatures are decreasing and flood protection is increasing. In 2022 we again supported the project with a grant of CZK 250,000.
In 2022 we proceeded to implement the measures proposed in the technical studies in a number of areas. Among others it was wetlands similar to the one in Coca-Cola HBC in Praha-Kyje. We have already covered half of the Broumov region with landscape adaptation studies. One of the most challenging tasks for us is to communicate with landowners so that we can proceed with the preparation of project documentation and the actual implementation of the plans for the studies mentioned above on as large an area as possible. Coca-Cola HBC supports us in this task.
As part of the construction of the automated warehouse in Praha-Kyje, unique wetlands were built on the premises of the production facility, which collects rainwater from the area and annually returns approximately 12.5 million litres of water to nature. In 2022, thanks to a grant from The Coca-Cola Foundation, a nature trail was created in the wetlands area, which will be opened to schools and the public in 2023 through guided tours. The trail and other measures to promote biodiversity, such as dredging pools, were implemented on site by the non-profit organisation Beleco. The Coca-Cola Foundation supported the project with a grant of USD 70,000 and Coca-Cola HBC contributed EUR 20,000. Post-implementation observations showed that multiple species of birds, insects, amphibians and deer live on the site. Among others, for example, the Dusky Large Blue, a species of butterfly which could not survive in a mown-down meadow.
We regularly assess the impact of our activities on biodiversity and ecosystems using the Credit 360 system. We have additionally carried out a group-level study of the impact of our activities on natural capital.
In 2022 we drew 774,224,129 litres of water from VAKat our production facility in Praha-Kyje and 1,725,000 litres from VAK and 48,308,000 litres from the Natura water source at our production facility in Teplice nad Metují.
A key indicator in measuring water use efficiency is the number of litres withdrawn per litre of beverage produced. In regards to this indicator we have reached an average of 1.75 litres per litre of beverage produced in 2022. This is a top value in international comparison, yet year-on-year, due to the challenging production mix and the increase in the production of beverages sold in glass, it represents an increase of 0.06 l/l. The water consumption in the production facility in Kyje was 1.76 l/l and in Teplice nad Metují 1.64 l/l.
Controls on the quality of the discharged water were carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and the IPPC. Thanks to the reuse of 867 m3 of water in the production process, we are among the leaders in efficient care of this key resource. In 2022 we were once again able to secure Alliance for Water Stewardship gold certification.
A contribution of CZK 250,000 in 2022 was used by the Prague 14 municipality for the planting of trees and the creation of green roofs on public buildings. The grant has thus helped to cool the temperature in the city and makes efficient use of rainwater.
At Coca-Cola HBC Czech Republic and Slovakia, we have set criteria for the evaluation of tenders, which also include aspects of social responsibility. Our suppliers are required to document one of the following audit reports: TCCC SGP AUDIT, Unilever URSA, SMETA 6.0, AIM-Progress, SMETA 4 Pilar, GSCP Equivalent, BSCI or EICC. If suppliers do not have the aforementioned audit reports, we require EcoVadis certification.
RFA is an international non-profit organisation that works to create a better future for people and nature, and encourages responsible business practices. Only approximately 6% of coffee beans comes from Rainforest Alliance Certified TM farms. Costa Coffee not only received the certificate in 2008 for its coffee, but also for its chocolate. Our FUZETEA iced teas also received the RFA certificate.
Throughout the entire Coca-Cola HBC Group, we do not use ingredients that are genetically modified or come from genetically modified organisms in any of the 29 countries where we operate. If you are interested in discovering more: Genetically modified organisms.
In addition to the aforementioned RFA and AWS certifications, we are regularly audited against these environmental standards:
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