NEW BUS STOP Sídliště Jahodnice (Jahodnice housing estate)

“The bus shelters at the Sídliště Jahodnice bus stop are an important place not only for our employees, but also for residents of Prague 14 and other travellers who wait there for their connection. They are also the first things which visitors to our factory see as they arrive to our premises. Therefore we would like to create a dignified, clean and modern environment which meets the demands of the 21st century, for all users of these facilities within the community.”


Prague, 10 June 2021 - The company Coca-Cola HBC CZ/SK continues in its efforts to improve the surroundings in the area where it operates and will reconstruct the bus stop "Sídliště Jahodnice” which is directly adjacent to its premises in Kyje, Prague. CZK 400,000 has been made available for the work. In addition to the bus shelters at the stops on both sides of the road, the bus stop area will also be enriched with a bench, a waste bin and a new asphalt surface. Travellers will be able to enjoy the new look bus stop from autumn this year.

“The bus shelters at the Jahodnice housing estate bus stop are an important place not only for our employees, but also for residents of Prague 14 and other travellers who wait there for their connection. They are also the first things which visitors to our factory see as they arrive to our premises. Therefore we would like to create a dignified, clean and modern environment which meets the demands of the 21st century, for all users of these facilities within the community.” revealed Patricie Šedivá, Public Relations and communications manager for Coca-Cola HBC CZ/SK.

The appearance of the new bus shelter should fit into the surrounding infrastructure and at the same time draw attention to the attractions of the industrial site in Kyje - the history of Jahodnice, the possibilities of leisure activities and the various treasures of local history. At the same time, the bus shelter fits in with the new concept of Prague 14, which arose from a project submitted by citizens “Čtrnáctka podle vás” (district fourteen according to you) and part of the participatory budget. The style and design is already visible at the Sicherova bus stop.

“The aim of the new bus shelter is not only an attempt to improve the time spent waiting for the bus and make the bus stop more attractive. We would also like it if people got to know something about the place where they live or work. And maybe even be inspired by them during a walk through the local area. All the new bus shelters look the same. Thanks to the Coca-Cola company, which respected our wishes and based the visuals on the designated concept, this also applies to the bus shelters at Jahodnice," said Deputy Mayor of the Prague 14 district Ing. Petr Hukal, who has the responsibility for transport in this city district.

 We have been cooperating with Prague 14 concerning the development of this district for some time. The idea of repairing the shelters had been resonating in our company for a while and soon we got it on paper. Subsequently, we contacted representatives of IPR, IHMP as well as the municipality to find out how this plan could be implemented. Now we have reached the actual construction phase and we are pleased that both our employees and the citizens of Prague 14 will be able to see the new bus stops in the autumn," said Ladislav Jelen from the Human Resources Department of Coca-Cola HBC.

The company also supports leisure activities and projects in Prague 14 that negate the effects of climate change. In past years this has included a rail bike path study, returnable cups for Prague 14 outdoor events, an irrigation system, tree planting, and many other projects.