Diversity Charter is a voluntary initiative supported by the European Commission promoting and sharing the principles of diversity and tolerance among employees and in companies’ approaches to human resources in all EU states. Coca‑Cola HBC fully shares these principles and therefore, after signing of Diversity Charter in Czech Republic in May 2019, it was only natural to subscribe to Charter also in Slovakia. Thus, it joined the group of over 70 companies and public institutions in Slovakia, Diversity Charter signatories, which publicly support principles of diversity.
“One of the key ingredients of our secret recipe are our people. Diversity of our teams with regards to sex, age, nationality or identity is key to upholding the dynamics of our company, being able to learn from each other and cope with the challenges we face. These are the basic features of our success“, said Michal Čubrík, Public Affairs Manager of Coca‑Cola HBC Česko a Slovensko during the signing ceremonial of Diversity Charter Slovakia. The act took place as part of the event Inclusive cities and companies organized by Pontis Foundation and Metropolitan Institute Bratislava. Besides Coca‑Cola HBC, Diversity Charter Slovakia was joined by other big employers like SLOVNAFT, Unilever Slovakia, McDonald’s Slovakia, Denník N or Bratislava municipality.