“We are delighted to add a local, sustainable source of high-quality waters to our portfolio,” said Maria Anargyrou-Nikolić, General Manager of Coca‑Cola HBC Czech Republic and Slovakia. “The quality of the water coming from the artesian wells in the Adrspach-Teplice Rocks National Nature Reserve is exceptional and certified for a range of water products, including those for newborn babies.” We look forward to welcoming the people of Toma Enterprise to the Coca‑Cola HBC family.
“This is a logical step in our 24/7 strategy, which aims to provide our customers and consumers with a complete portfolio of the best beverages for every occasion. Adding another plant in the Czech Republic is also in line with our strategic approach to strengthening localness, which has included major investments in our country operations and business over the past three years.”
The spring water source is bottled in a modern production facility in Teplice nad Metují, which was completed in 1993 to bottle local, high-quality spring water under the name Natura. The operations were merged with private company Toma in 1997 and sold to PepsiCo CZ in 2000. Coca‑Cola HBC has obtained the right to use the Toma brand for waters and ice-teas for a transition period of 5 years. The parties in the agreement have agreed not to disclose the price of the transaction.
Minas Agelidis, Group Regional Director, said “This addition to our Czech and Slovakia operations underlines our desire to seek out quality, local beverages to grow the diversity and strength of our portfolio. It also aligns with our hydration strategy of providing a full range of thirst quenching still drinks to complement our Sparkling portfolio, while building on our local relevance for consumers. The fact that this water comes from a source recognised for its natural surroundings in the Czech Republic was a huge factor in our decision.”
Toma Enterprise was owned by Karlovarské minerální vody, a.s. (KMV). The sale is based on the decision of ÚOHS (Office for the protection of competition) concerning the acquisition of the licence and assets of PepsiCo in the Czech Republic by KMV.