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Current Site: Czech Republic and Slovakia
In 2023 our Company launched the production of 100% recycled plastic bottles of Natura spring water exclusively from material collected in the Slovak deposit system. This closes the material cycle and saves two-thirds of CO2 emissions compared to using new PET material.
We want to use this approach as inspiration for other brands of our favourite drinks. That is why we support the introduction of a deposit system for PET bottles and cans in the Czech Republic. Here we propose a solution together with the big beverage companies through the Returnable Initiative
In its second year of operation, the Slovak deposit system has already achieved an efficiency of 92% of collected PET bottles and cans going straight to recycling. In 2022 it was 71%. Thanks to these successes, we were also able to host an international conference in 2023 for colleagues from Romania, Slovenia, Ireland and Hungary, who came to Bratislava to gain inspiration for the implementation of similar systems in their countries.
Fees to the Envi-pak system, which takes care of the rest of the packaging placed on the market – such as secondary packaging – amounted to EUR 213,934.
In the Czech Republic, the packaging put on the market is handled by the EKO-KOM system, which managed to recycle 49% of plastic packaging, 78% of glass packaging and 67% of metal packaging in the Czech Republic in 2023. Fees for the care of our packaging amounted to CZK 68.9 million in 2023. Glass bottles of most of our non-alcoholic drinks are returned directly from customers to us thanks to a deposit and our own collection. If they are too worn we recycle the material again.
In total we placed 15,453 tonnes of packaging on the market in 2023. Of these, 10,662 tonnes are in the Czech Republic and 4,791 tonnes in Slovakia.
All of the packaging we launched in 2023 was designed to be 100% recyclable.
In an effort to be more sustainable, we are constantly innovating our packaging design. In 2023 we launched non-removable PET bottle caps for the entire portfolio. During the investigation we found that 13% of bottles were returned to recycling facilities in the Czech Republic without caps. These represent a valuable material that is separated during the processing of sorted PET bottles and used, for example, for the production of plumbing pipes, pallets, containers and other products.
Our new functional design ensures that the cap remains firmly attached to the bottle once opened, reducing the possibility of it being thrown away while providing our customers with the experience they are used to. The change to non-removable caps applies to the entire portfolio of Coca-Cola beverages in plastic bottles. Coca-Cola is thus the first beverage company in the Czech Republic and Slovakia to introduce this innovation to its complete beverage portfolio.
Martina Lovětínská Marketing Manager Coca-Cola HBC Czech Republic and Slovakia
As part of our eco-design, we continued to make our PET packaging lighter. By making the 1.5 litre Natura bottle lighter, we saved 18 tonnes of plastic material. We saved 1.39 t of aluminium by lightening the cans. We also worked on secondary packaging and, for example, by reducing the paper liners on pallets, we saved 1.17 tonnes of paper.
We use 100% recycled content in selected PET packaging – this applies to our Natura and Römerquelle products. On average, we used 7.4% recycled materials in PET. Our glass jar suppliers added an average of 54.3% recycled materials to their glass containers and our can suppliers used an average of 47.4% recycled materials.
In 2023 we have succeeded in reusing 100% of the waste generated in Praha-Kyje. Plastic, aluminium and glass went for recycling and hard-to-recycle waste for energy recovery. For the third year in a row we have not landfilled any waste in Kyje. In 2023 we generated a total of 2,786 t of waste here. In Teplice nad Metují, we produced 95.81 t of waste, of which 84.01% was reused. In 2023 we generated 493.13 tonnes of hazardous waste. “In total, our production facilities produced only 4.05 grams of waste per litre of beverage produced.”
Traditionally, together with Coca-Cola CZ, we have become a proud partner of the Let's Clean Up event and in 2023 we organised clean-ups around both of our production plants. We also continued to support the Clean Jizera River clean-up event. We are proud to have successfully concluded negotiations with the non-profit organisation Let’s Clean Up Slovakia at the end of 2023 and to have become the main partner of this cleaning initiative in Slovakia for the next year.
We pay special attention to our packaging not only because it is one of the most important issues for our stakeholders, but also because primary and secondary packaging is the second largest source of our carbon footprint in Scope 3.
We measure and regularly report our carbon footprint according to GHG standards that categorise it into groups according to the origin of emissions, i.e., scope. Our local carbon footprint reduction plan is part of a complex mosaic of projects that will lead to Net Zero for the entire Coca-Cola HBC Group by 2040 at the latest.
The total carbon footprint of our value chain in 2023 in the Czech Republic and Slovakia was 143.02 kT CO2 equivalent. Year-on-year, we have managed to reduce it by more than 8,000 tonnes. For the sake of completeness and comparability of the reports, it should be mentioned that we present the result for 2023 according to the updated calculation methodology, which has changed mainly for the calculation of the carbon footprint of ingredients. According to this methodology, the carbon footprint in 2022 would be 151.43 kT CO2 equivalent.
2.6% of the carbon footprint in 2023 was represented by Scope 1 emissions, a further 2.2% by Scope 2 emissions and the full 95.2% by Scope 3 emissions.
In Scope 1, primarily through the renewal of our own fleet. We have followed up on the earlier replacement of cars and vans with alternative fuel vehicles. In 2023 the most significant replacement of conventional diesel cars has yet occurred. Almost two hundred Skoda Fabia and Scala cars powered by conventional engines have been replaced by Skoda Octavia cars with Mild-Hybrid engines and automatic transmissions. These have an average 27% lower carbon footprint. In addition, we have switched to 22 fully electric cars Skoda Enyaq 80X iV and Skoda Enyaq RS Coupé. We also tested VW’s first all-electric commercial vehicle ID.Buzz . This is used by our technicians managing the refrigeration equipment on the market. We have not fallen behind when building the charging infrastructure in Prague-Kyje, where we have installed 12 new wallboxes that will allow convenient charging of vehicles during the time spent in the production plant and offices. For the further development of electromobility, we have loaned a free electric car for a short period of time to 42 other colleagues who have driven 15,000 kilometres and shared valuable feedback with us, according to which we will adjust our next steps.
We have done a challenging job with the largest renewal of this type of car in the history of our Company. I am very happy that the cars are environmentally friendly and also look great thanks to the new branding. We even received positive responses from sales representatives when measuring satisfaction after the renewal. Among our colleagues we also have champions with an extremely light foot. For example, my colleague Petr Vejdělek drove his Plugin-Hybrid car for a long time with a consumption of 0.56 l/100 km, so he practically turned it into an electric car.
Martin Prídala Fleet Manager
Due to the complexity resulting from the applied business strategy, our fleet of 465 passenger vehicles covered 14,294,771 km, 7% more than in 2022. Therefore, we ended up consuming 853,619 litres (or kg for CNG) of fuel. This is 198,554 litres (or kg for CNG) more than in 2022.
We have not been afraid to take bold steps towards sustainability and, in cooperation with DIPLO Transport & Logistics, we have tested fully electric trucks for the distribution of our products. While the economics are a challenge for now – the current price of this electric truck is approximately four times the price of a diesel truck – our commitment to sustainability remains unchanged. In Slovakia, we have become a member of SEVA – Slovak Electric Vehicle Association and share our experience with other member companies.
Our own delivery vehicles covered a total of 493,836 km, consuming 21.63 l/100 km in the Czech Republic and 11.24 l/100 km in Slovakia. The higher consumption in the Czech Republic is due to the use of four larger conventionally powered cars. The other vehicles are powered by Mild-Hybrid engines.
Despite the increase in our vehicle traffic, our Scope 1 carbon footprint only increased by 1.26% year-on-year, or 47t CO2, largely thanks to the beverage filling CO2 elimination project, which saved 109t CO2 in 2023. Working efficiently with our refrigeration equipment and the remaining diesel units in production has also helped.
In Scope 2, 99.9% of the origin of our emissions is energy from the steam, heat and cooling supplied for production. We supply steam and heat from the nearby waste incinerator in Malešice. Energy recovery is the most appropriate form of waste management after reuse and recycling. We managed to reduce this carbon footprint by 7% year-on-year, which is 242 t CO2e.
The ratio indicator of CO2 emissions in Scope 1 + 2 per one produced litre of beverage stopped at 15.9 g CO2/l in 2023. This is a slight increase from 2022 – 15.3 g CO2/l. In 2021 it was 16.34 g CO2/l. This trend of maintaining a low carbon footprint, even as production volumes grow, is addressed by the internal Energy TOP 20 project, which is a set of measures seeking optimal solutions for energy savings in production.
We managed to keep the indicator of electricity consumption per litre of beverage produced at 0.38 MJ/l. It has fallen to less than half since 2008. As part of electricity, we took a total of 97,457,450 MJ in Prague-Kyjy and 5,247,752 MJ in Teplicích nad Metují for production. In total, we consumed 7,818,106 MJ less electricity year-on-year. All purchased electricity was certified as being from renewable sources.
Scope 3 produces the largest volume of our carbon footprint. Our refrigerators, which we lend to customers free of charge, play a role here. Their footprint is created by electricity consumption. We are gradually replacing refrigerators with energy-efficient and ecological cooling models with SmartCool technology. By the end of 2023, more than half of the refrigerators on the market have been replaced. They are smart appliances that work 57% more efficiently than the original fridge. In total, we replaced 5,884 cooling devices in 2023 and invested over €6.1 million in their replacement. Replacing the refrigerators saved 2,353 tonnes of CO2 in the year under review. Year-on-year, there was an increase in the number of equipment replaced (+793), the volume of investments (+1.6 million EUR) andCO2 savings (-143 t CO2).
The carbon footprint of the ingredients in our products is influenced by both the behaviour of our suppliers and the final mix of the beverages we sell. We are proud that our suppliers are on the path to Net Zero with us and that the resulting mix of products sold in 2023 has reduced the carbon footprint of our ingredients by 3,956 t CO2 year-on-year. A product with a lower carbon footprint may also be preferred by our consumers. For example, artificial sweeteners have a significantly lower carbon footprint than standard beet sugar or corn syrup.
We are pleased that our carrier suppliers are already adapting their fleets to reduce the carbon footprint of transporting beverages to customers. In 2023 it has decreased by 229 t CO2 year-on-year. In addition, we again benefited from the transfer of the central warehouse directly to the production plant in Prague-Kyjy, and thanks to the acquisition of the Natura production plant in Teplice nad Metují, we have a source of spring water directly in the Czech Republic.
We received two awards in the Impuls Logistics competition: Top logistics project and ECO-ECO solution for our automated warehouse project in Prague-Kyje. The competition is a showcase of the best in the industry.
Our Natura spring water comes from the Adršpach-Teplice rocks. It has low mineralisation and meets the quality suitable for infants, making it ideal for everyday drinking. Thanks to the natural filtration of the water through the sandstone bedrock, we can practically bottle the Natura right from our source, which is about 120 m below the surface. This source is therefore a real treasure for us and we take care to protect the water in the whole Broumov region.
By 2040 we will cover the entire Broumov region with landscape adaptation studies to climate change.
Together with the Strategic Council of the Broumov region and the association Živá voda, we are developing the project Adaptation of the Landscape to Climate Change. We build projects that increase water retention in the landscape. We design feasibility studies for water retention of entire river basins and follow up with implementation. This makes Broumov region the first region with a comprehensive concept of how to work with the landscape ideally. The project is a laboratory for a number of researchers who come to Broumov to learn the methodology. A landscape that is restored to its ability to retain water is better able to withstand the risk of flooding, not lose topsoil to run-off, process CO2, cool its surroundings and is home to natural biodiversity. In 2023 we again supported the project with a grant of CZK 450,000.
In 2023 we have proceeded with proposed developments at other sites, which is hugely fulfilling for us. It is the culmination of an effort that begins with the creation of a study and continues with negotiations with owners and the development of project documentation. When this whole process arrives at its implementation, we are fulfilling the vision of the whole project, which is to implement as many of the proposed measures as possible.
Jan Staroba Project Manager, Broumov Region Strategic Council
As part of the construction of the automated warehouse in Praha-Kyje, unique wetlands were built on the premises of the production facility, which collects rainwater from the area and annually returns approximately 12.5 million litres of water to nature. In 2023, thanks to a grant from The Coca-Cola Foundation, a nature trail was created in the wetlands area, which will be opened to schools and the public in 2023 through guided tours. The opening ceremony was led by Vladimír Kořen and it rained beautifully during the event. The trail and other measures to promote biodiversity, such as dredging pools, were implemented on site by the non-profit organisation Beleco. The wetland is home to more species of birds, insects, amphibians and deer after the implementation of these measures.
We regularly assess the impact of our activities on biodiversity and ecosystems using the Credit 360 system. In addition, we prepared a study of the impact of our activity on natural capital at the group level.
In 2023 we took 666,707,060 litres of water from VAK at our production facility in Praha-Kyje and 1,628,000 litres from VAK from our production plant in Teplice nad Metují and 54,321,000 litres from the water source for Natura water.
One of the biggest success stories in tracking environmental indicators in 2023 is the value of water consumption per litre of beverage produced. On average, we needed only 1.66 litres of water per litre of beverage produced, a significant improvement on the 2022 average of 1.75 litres/litre. This indicator has improved in both production plants. In Prague it stopped at 1.67 l/l and in Teplice nad Metují at 1.61 l/l.
Martin Staněk Quality, Safety & Environment Manager
Controls on the quality of the discharged water were carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and the IPPC. The reuse of 8,556m3 of water in the production process also makes us one of the leaders in the care of this key resource, and in 2023 we were again able to achieve Alliance for Water Stewardship Gold certification.
The Prague 14 municipality used the CZK 250,000 grant in 2023 to plant trees. The grant has thus helped cool the temperature in the city. In addition, the borough used irrigation bags during planting to efficiently dose irrigation.
The traditional volunteer day of Coca-Cola CZ employees was held in Bohemian Switzerland, where we have helped in the past years with the restoration after a large-scale fire. This time our partnership with the local park allowed us to participate in the promotion of natural biodiversity through the elimination of a non-native species – the eastern white pine.
At Coca-Cola HBC Czech Republic and Slovakia, we have set criteria for the evaluation of tenders, which also include aspects of social responsibility. Our suppliers are required to document one of the following audit reports: System SGP AUDIT, Unilever URSA, SMETA 6.0, AIM-Progress, SMETA 4 Pilar, GSCP Equivalent, BSCI or EICC. If suppliers do not have the aforementioned audit reports, we require EcoVadis certification.
We have become the third winner of the most important European programme for sustainable logistics Lean & Green Europe in the Czech Republic. The Lean & Green programme is designed as a commitment by the Company to reduce CO2 emissions from logistics activities by at least 20% over the next 5 years.
We also received the certification because we have already succeeded in:
RFA is an international non-profit organisation that works to create a better future for people and nature, and encourages responsible business practices. Only approximately 6% of coffee beans come from Rainforest Alliance Certified TM farms. Costa Coffee not only received the certificate in 2008 for its coffee, but also for its chocolate. Our FUZETEA iced teas also received the RFA certificate.
Throughout the entire Coca-Cola HBC Group, we do not use ingredients that are genetically modified or come from genetically modified organisms in any of the 29 countries where we operate. If you are interested, you can find more information here: Genetically modified organisms.
In addition to the aforementioned RFA and AWS certifications, we are regularly audited against these environmental standards:
ISO 14 000/14 001 – Environmental management
ISO 50001 – Energy management
GAO – Sustainability and quality audit of our system
Other brands and ratings:
EKO-KOM Responsible company
SVA-SWPP – Vulnerability assessment and protection of water resources